Understand Amazon Seller Revenue distribution

By Elliot Brindel

Amazon is one of the leading online marketplaces. It offers convenience to customers and provides a platform where sellers can meet buyers with ease. Over the years, the platform has helped individuals and businesses set up e-commerce platforms and increase their sales volumes tenfold. Here are a few stats that show the sales potential of the platform.

Sales Volumes Stats



About 50% of sellers on the Amazon program make more than $60,000 each year in sales. In addition, 1 in every 4 takes home sales volumes worth $300,000 every year.

Many more sellers make varying sales exceeding these values each year. Third party selling is a new business venture on Amazon. However, many sellers who have embraced it make impressive sales volume year after year and lifetime sales. Half of the third-party sellers on the platform have already reached lifetime sales values of over $50,000. Besides, 1 in 5 (which accounts for about 19% of all third-party sellers) have exceeded lifetime sales of $1 million.

Amazon remains one of the best platforms to make cash, selling items around the world. You do not have to own products as you can push them through third party selling and still make some tidy profit. Its popularity and simple business model ensures that your products get immediate visibility and helps you deliver goods around the globe in a short period.

Access e-Sellers Data

While providing services to sellers on the platform is promising, many service providers may have a problem accessing seller data on the Amazon platform. Besides, it is hard to get data on brands moving high volumes on the platform. Fortunately, Amazon Seller Directories provides hard data on various seller types on the platform. They give accurate data from verified, reliable sources to help make decisions. If you wish to get more insights on Amazon sellers, contact us today at info@sellerdirectories.com .